ASAPP’s CoachingAI Aims for AI-Driven Quality Management in Contact Centers


The Gist

  • Automation advantage. ASAPP’s CoachingAI automates quality scoring, maximizing supervisors’ efficiency.
  • AI Impact. AI is poised to improve repetitive tasks and enhance customer experiences, according to surveyed agents.
  • Performance boost. CoachingAI promises significant improvements in scoring, proficiency, satisfaction and attrition.

ASAPP, an artificial intelligence cloud company for contact centers, announced today the launch of its AI-powered CoachingAI to automate quality scoring on all contact center agent interactions.

Contact centers are a treasure trove of information and data points. Each call offers precious insight into customer preferences and behavior patterns that provide actionable data to guide strategic decisions and product enhancements — but unfortunately, most of it ends up untapped, according to ASAPP officials.


It’s simply not possible for supervisors to manually analyze each conversation, identify gaps and areas for improvement and then coach each agent with personalized recommendations.

“CoachingAI is able to automate the quality scoring on 100% of contact center agent interactions, freeing up time for supervisors and quality analysts to spend more time coaching their agents and less time evaluating them and dissecting the details,” Rachel Knaster, chief product officer at ASAPP, told CMSWire in an exclusive interview. “Ultimately tools like this, and all of ASAPP’s technologies for the contact center, enable brands to transform their contact center into a revenue driver by giving their agents the right insights to deliver optimal service and delight customers.”

Related Article: Is This the Year AI Dominates the Call Center?

Why Is Contact Agent Turnover So High?

According to Knaster, while some attrition is to be expected in all jobs and industries, the attrition rate for contact center agents can reach 80%. A 2021 survey from ASAPP revealed that lack of coaching and training, technology and job opportunities were all cited as reasons contact center agents leave their jobs. 

“Customer service is widely known as a challenging profession, demanding expertise in various technologies, inventive problem-solving abilities and finely tuned interpersonal skills,” Knaster said. “Agents who are not trained properly or feel well equipped to do their job, report being pessimistic about their job which can lead to poor performance and burnout.”

Further, more than half (51%) of agent respondents in the same survey reported that AI would solve repetitive customer problems, while 40% of agents recognize that AI will improve the customer experience. Amidst the pervasive issue of high agent turnover in contact centers, organizations grapple with the disparity between high and low-performing agents. ASAPP’s CoachingAI is intended to close this gap with a multi-faceted approach to understanding the entire agent journey.

CoachingAI enables several features. 


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