Digital Customer Experience Improvement Strategies


A longer version of this article previously appeared on

The digital world moves fast. To stay competitive, companies need a proactive approach to digital customer experience (DCX) improvements. Next year’s success depends on the actions you take now.

Delivering better DCX means understanding where content sits within your organization, who your target audience is and how you can leverage customer data and analytics. It means experimenting with modern content solutions designed to integrate content and personalization into multiple experiences that feel seamless and connected. It means embracing and experimenting with new technologies that can streamline your processes and deliver better experiences.

Online Customer Experience Management: Future Trends

Some trends in technology only have minimal lasting impact. On the other hand, there are movements that shift the entire landscape.

AI is one of those movements.

AI is going to have a seismic effect on the way that businesses deliver customer experiences. Businesses need to prepare now so they can take advantage of AI as it matures and becomes more established.

Forward-thinking companies are examining their content strategy, thinking about how they structure content and how that would feed into an AI model. These actions will make those companies best placed to take advantage of AI advances. Companies hoping to retrofit AI into what they already have will quickly hit the limits of their existing technology and risk being left behind.

AI preparedness is key. By laying the groundwork now and choosing technology that enables them to integrate AI into their content strategy, these forward thinkers are the ones best positioned to succeed.

Tips for Continually Improving the Digital Customer Experience

Besides adopting AI, companies must continually improve digital customer experiences to remain competitive. If you want to deliver a seamless customer journey, start with a seamless content journey. It doesn’t matter where content lives within your business. What matters is how you connect that content together and deliver it as a seamless experience across the customer journey. Follow these guidelines:

  • Start with an understanding of where content sits within — and flows through — your business.
  • Look for tools (like the Contentful Composable Content Platform) that connect different content sources together and empower teams to assemble content a seamless digital customer experience from multiple sources.
  • Reuse content that already exists within your business to amplify its value and deliver customer journeys that feel seamless and connected.

Understand Your Target Audience

Most marketers know they should research, use data analytics, and gather customer feedback to better understand their target audience. But there could be other audiences waiting for a better digital experience.


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