Welcome to the Modern Age of Content Management


The way that consumers engage with brands is constantly evolving. The average internet user spends nearly seven hours per day online, consuming articles, ads and updates across a variety of different channels. Although our research shows that consumers value messaging on a brand’s website moreso than either email, mobile or social media channels, your customers are everywhere, and content needs to reach them where they are.

And content is how you win over consumers’ hearts and minds. Our research revealed that 90% of consumers said that brand content is important in shaping their brand perception and improving brand trust. With such an overwhelming majority relying on the content you create to make decisions, your organization needs a modern way to manage their messaging so it reaches the right consumer at the right time.

There’s plenty of room for improvement surrounding digital content management. Many organizations struggle with the tools they currently use. According to recent CMSWire data from the latest State of the Digital Customer Experience report, only 23% of respondents believed their digital customer experience platforms and tools were “working well.” Another 48% called their current tools merely satisfactory, while 29% said their tools needed work to be truly effective.

Organizations don’t have to settle for the status quo. There is a better way to manage digital content management.

Understand Your Team’s Pain Points

Employees will often voice multiple frustrations around their current CMS that drives the decision to upgrade. Common pain points include the time-consuming nature of adding to or upgrading content in existing CMS, security issues, a lack of site performance or just overall user-unfriendliness.

None of these pain points are things you want in a CMS. With content driving so much web traffic and ecommerce, your CMS just needs to work — the last thing your organization needs is for employees to fight the system to get content in front of potential customers. Given the increasingly complex nature of content management and publishing, it’s important to recognize how your employees are challenged by your current CMS and seek out a solution that addresses those challenges.


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