Ongoing Redesign for Better UX


The Gist

  • Continuous evolution. Website redesign isn’t a one-time event. Embrace continuous improvement and experimentation to enhance user experience and align with evolving brand goals.
  • Feedback integration. Post-launch, actively seek and incorporate customer feedback. Utilize surveys, analytics, and AI tools for real-time insights and to refine your website.
  • Experience enhancement. View your website as part of a broader, multichannel customer journey. Focus on seamless integration, personalization, and consistent improvement for richer user experiences.

We’ve all been there (or at least most of us have). Your company’s massive new website project has just launched, and you’ve played a big role in getting it to this point. Now it’s time to relax and reap the rewards of a job well done and never think about your website ever again.

Actually, that’s not the case at all! Once the website launches, the real work begins, as you’ve just unveiled a completely new experience to your customers, possibly using brand new technologies to your company, with at least a few loose ends that didn’t get resolved due to the last-minute pre-launch time crunch.

A wrench lies on top of a computer keyboard with black keys and white letters in piece about website redesign.
Once the website launches, the real work begins, as you’ve just unveiled a completely new experience to your customers.TimeStopper on Adobe Stock Photos

Instead of the end of the journey, this is just the beginning. In this article, I’m going to talk about what you should be focused on once your website redesign is completed and when you’re no longer distracted by the work involved with that endeavor. Let’s look at three things on which you can now focus you and your teams’ energies.

3 Website Redesign Tips

No. 1: Continuous Experimentation

When it comes to a website redesign project, there’s no doubt that the list of ideas and features to include can get quite lengthy. However, due to time, budget, or other factors, some of these ideas may not have made it into the final product that launched. But don’t let that discourage you! Instead, view your newly-launched website as a minimum viable product (MVP) that serves as a starting point for continual growth and development.

First and foremost, it’s essential to determine which ideas should be prioritized for future development. This requires taking a strategic approach to evaluate which ideas align with your brand’s overall goals and objectives, as well as which features would be most beneficial to your target audience. To do this, consider conducting user research or gathering feedback from customers to help you identify pain points or areas for improvement.

Once you’ve prioritized your list of ideas, it’s crucial to conduct user testing to validate their potential. This will help you avoid investing time and resources into features or functionality that may not actually be valuable to your target audience. In addition, user testing can also uncover additional insights, such as behavioral patterns, preferences, or needs that you may not have considered before.

Even after your website redesign has launched, there’s always room for improvement when it comes to the user experience. Consistently tracking metrics such as bounce rates, click-through rates and conversion rates can help you identify areas that may require further attention. Additionally, consider implementing an A/B testing program to experiment with different variations of your website to optimize for performance.

A website redesign project can be an exciting opportunity to breathe new life into your brand’s digital presence. By incorporating ideas for future growth, conducting user testing, continuously optimizing user experience, implementing responsive design and embracing innovation, you’ll be well on your way to maximizing the potential of your website.

Related Article: 8 Tips for a Smooth Content Overhaul During a Website Redesign


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