When Hype Meets Reality With AI Marketing Tools


The Gist

  • AI marketing tools. 2023’s AI tool experimentation sets stage for strategic alignment in 2024.
  • Process standardization. Ad hoc AI tool usage transitions to systematic integration and policies.
  • Demanding ROI. Shift from experimental AI use to focused, result-driven applications in 2024.

From the amount written and discussed about the topic in 2023, you’d have thought that artificial intelligence was invented in late 2022 if you didn’t know better! Regardless, it has been hard to have a conversation about marketing technology, let alone marketing and advertising — or really anything lately — without AI coming up.

Let’s take a look at the state of AI marketing tools. 

Some of this hype is justified, and some of it is, of course, just hype. That said, many companies have made many investments in AI marketing tools, methods and technologies. Some of these have been very strategic and well-aligned with organizational objectives, and others have been much more ad hoc and tactical, with the results either unclear or not shared more broadly within the organization.

I believe that, while 2023 was the year of experimentation with AI — from dabbling in ChatGPT to doodling in DALL-E — 2024 is going to be The Great Reconciliation, where all of those experiments, whether scientific or not, will need to be aligned with larger goals, budgets and workstreams.

Four large test tubes filled with red, purple, green and yellow liquid and smoke pouring from the top sit on a tablein piece about AI Marketing Tools and experimentation.
I believe that, while 2023 was the year of experimentation with AI — from dabbling in ChatGPT to doodling in DALL-E — 2024 is going to be The Great Reconciliation, where all of those experiments, whether scientific or not, will need to be aligned with larger goals, budgets and workstreams.epiximages on Adobe Stock Images

In other words, 2024 will be the year we stop playing with AI and get back to work.

In this article, I’m going to talk about three ways that this Great Reconciliation will occur and some reasons why this is a good thing to happen.

Related Article: AI in Marketing: More Personalization in the Next Decade

AI Marketing Tools: Scattered Trials Become Standardized Platforms

Let’s start by talking about all of the trying and testing that has been going on. With the myriad of AI-based platforms, for a variety of needs that include text, image, video, audio and even design generation, individuals and teams have had a hard time keeping up with all of them. That isn’t to say, however, that they haven’t tried plenty of them.

Trying out the AI Tools

For instance, as of June 2023, there were over 18,500 AI startups in the United States alone. I feel like I’ve tried a good percentage of those myself, but know that I only really scratched the surface, even with an extensive amount of time experimenting. That said, large organizations with many team members, all trying different tools means that there have been a lot of trials started, a lot of duplicate evaluations, and some missed opportunities to coordinate trials and the learnings from them.

New AI Features in ‘Traditional’ Platforms

Additionally, many of the more “traditional” platforms that marketing teams use, such as Adobe, Hubspot, and Salesforce, have also introduced AI marketing tools. These and many other longstanding platforms have added generative AI features, from chat interfaces to other elements. And, like any implementation of a new feature by an existing platform, sometimes they work really well and sometimes they leave a little to be desired.

That said, there is often less perceived risk from using an already-vetted software platform than in trying something brand new from a fledgling startup, so the powers that be are generally going to be more keen on using the AI tools from the established players, even if they sometimes may not be as innovative or groundbreaking in their execution.


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