Ushering SEO Into a New Era


The Gist

  • Practical implications. AI tools like ChatGPT serve not as replacements but as significant enhancements to marketing processes, enabling faster product launches and more effective market differentiation.
  • Pattern recognition. The AI model is an incredible tool for pattern recognition. This aids marketers in detecting patterns in large-scale interviews or data sets, saving valuable time and effort.
  • SEO implications. The rise of ChatGPT and similar AI tools could impact SEO and the way content is discovered online. This new layer of discoverability might cause significant changes in the digital marketing landscape.

We all know ChatGPT has a wide range of applications. It expedites product launches and improves market differentiation. It has capabilities for large-scale pattern recognition. And it’s got implications for SEO and online content discoverability.

However, ChatGPT is not a replacement, but a significant enhancement tool for marketing processes, bringing efficiency gains and powerful insights through pattern detection in large data sets.

ChatGPT could also shift the landscape of SEO and digital marketing. With the potential of these tools being integrated into search engines, we ask: how will this new layer of discoverability impact the way content is found online?

This and many more intriguing questions are addressed in this comprehensive discussion with CMSWire Contributor Sanjay Sarathy, an industry veteran and the current vice president of developer experience for Cloudinary, who discussed this topic in his post on CMSWire, “The Potential and Limitations of ChatGPT in Marketing.”

Editor’s note: This transcript is edited for clarity.

Dom Nicastro: Hello, everybody, Dom Nicastro CMSWire, managing editor with our latest CMSWire contributor interview today, it’s going to be Sanjay Sarathy. He is the VP of developer experience for Cloudinary. What’s going on?

Sanjay Sarathy: Hey, Dom, thanks for having me on the show.

Demystifying ChatGPT: Practical Applications and Future Impact in Marketing

Nicastro: It’s great to have you get the faces behind the contributions to You’ve been contributing very consistently, articles getting a lot of buzz. So we’re happy to have you we’re gonna talk about something. I don’t know if anyone’s heard of it, but it’s ChatGPT.

Sarathy: That’s just every once in a while pops up on your Twitter thread, doesn’t it?

Nicastro: It does it like with anything you, you have such a great way of, of, you know, cutting through the hype, and figuring out what are the practical applications of things like this. And you talked in 2022, we had a series that talked about Web3, and what Web3 is going to do? What’s the future? You know, for marketing? How are we going to cut through all the hype with that, and you know, it’s 2023. And we really haven’t seen many use cases for that quite yet, like a huge winning situation with Web3. First question is, how are we going to see that with ChatGPT? You know, is it going to be a better and bigger trend? In terms of practical applications? What do you think?

Sarathy: Well, I think based on all the conversations, even if you take something as simple as what teachers are trying to figure out with their students and how they use it, I think you’re already starting to see some practical applications with even people not in the professional world. But in all seriousness, yes, I do think we’re going to see applicability. And I think one of the things that’s interesting about AI in general, not just the ChatGPT expression of that a lot of those AI capabilities is the applicability across different use cases across different functions in the professional world, whether you’re development or in marketing, or in customer service, etc. So I think that’s the part that’s pretty exciting. And when it comes to this sort of technology.

Related Article: ChatGPT: What You Need to Know

Is ChatGPT an Efficiency Game-Changer for Marketing & Other Professions?

Nicastro: Yeah, for me, it seems like the best use case of my time is, is efficient, is in the efficiency winning, right? I’m winning with efficiency with ChatGPT. Because I am taking a 9,000-word transcription from a podcast and putting it through the ChatGPT engine, I’m telling it to come up with some takeaways, right? So I have a starting place for an article that requires a little intro in the podcast before we get into the massive transcription. So that time, from the AI transcription service I use to putting that in the ChatGPT engine, I’m telling you, it saves so much time. And the best thing I like about that is that it’s my information. It’s my interview. So it’s pure, it’s sourced, it’s efficient. That’s where I’m winning as an editor, as a journalist. I mean, do you see similar use cases with, like, marketers or yourself?

Sarathy: No, absolutely. I think one of the things where this comes in handy is pattern recognition, which you just talked about, right? And, you know, if you’re a marketer, nothing, nothing can take the place of firsthand original interviews with users or customers where you’re getting feedback on your product or service. But if you take maybe hundreds of interviews like that, and put them through ChatGPT to say, what are the patterns that come out of that? That’s really interesting, right? So it’s not as if it’s replacing the value of firsthand research. But it’s an incredible enhancement of detecting patterns from what those interviews are about. And, you know, to your point about efficiency, you could spend hours reading through it and then underlining things and figuring it out. Or you could spend a minute pumping it through ChatGPT or another tool, and I think, then you come up with a hypothesis that you can either validate or reject.


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