Understanding Users: Customer Insights in Focus


The Gist

  • Customer insights matter. Understanding your audience’s needs is vital for creating resonant software products.
  • Balance data types. Mixing quantitative and qualitative data is key to developing effective product strategies.
  • Continuous improvement. Ongoing customer feedback is essential for refining and enhancing software products.

In today’s competitive software landscape, it’s crucial to create products that fully resonate with your target audience. Every product you create should be built with your customer top of mind. After all, customer insights are human insights. 

We live in an era where it’s difficult to go a single day without hearing about automation and AI. But ultimately, human beings are the ones using your products — they are your customers. That’s why listening to your customer’s feedback and using their insights to inform your products is so important.  

Without your customers, your products wouldn’t have a purpose. When you pay attention to the features your customers want and need, you can improve the UX of your products, build customer loyalty and create products your customers will recommend to others. 

It’s important to gather customer insights and feedback and use them to shape each step of your product strategy. Let’s dive into why incorporating customer insights is important and how you can apply them to building products people genuinely love to use. 

Balance Qualitative and Quantitative Data 

Quantitative data tells you what and qualitative data tells you why. It’s important to collect and analyze both kinds of data when developing your product strategy.

Quantitative data can include the number of support tickets, site drop-offs, and web analytics, while qualitative data includes things like customer interviews, focus groups, support ticket content and social media comments. People like numbers because they feel logical, and quantitative data is a familiar tool for growth and sales. When considering product changes, though, it’s important not to rely too heavily on the numbers.  

Teams evaluating product strategy can balance the numerical data by including qualitative data in their analysis. Qualitative data is the human voice of your customer, and it’s your opportunity to understand what they do and don’t like about your product in their own words. Most importantly, those words can help you understand why they feel the way they do. This knowledge not only informs the most effective possible strategy, it also unlocks upstream solutions that the numbers alone may miss. 

Remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all set of metrics to look out for. Every company’s goals are different. Choose to monitor the insights and metrics that align best with the goals of your product and company as a whole. Be sure to keep an open feedback loop and continuously collect both qualitative and quantitative data during your product development stage and throughout the product’s lifetime. 

Related Article: Customer Insights Can Seriously Elevate Your B2B Game

Start With What You Already Have 

If you’re not sure where to begin with collecting and analyzing customer insights, start by looking at the systems you already have set up. 

Support tickets are a great example of this. What issues are your customers repeatedly running into when they submit a support ticket? Looking more deeply at your support tickets can reveal a lot about what is and isn’t working with your product and how that impacts your customers. Usage metrics are another example. If your metrics tell you there’s low usage or a drop-off in usage at a certain point, can your support tickets help you understand why?

Apply customer insights everywhere within your product. They can tell you that something is super healthy and you don’t need to make any changes, or they can uncover problems that need to be solved.


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