Transforming Remote Interview & Onboarding


The Gist

  • Seamless transitions. Integrating CX into hiring processes leads to streamlined onboarding and higher employee satisfaction.
  • Digital dossiers. Leveraging data points to create candidate profiles ensures more accurate comparisons.
  • Inclusive feedback. Prioritizing diverse perspectives and cross-departmental connections within the interview process creates a more comprehensive and effective hiring experience.

Most of us experienced new and different ways of working over the past few years. And while some of us were already used to remote or hybrid work models, others struggled. But searching for — and hiring — the right talent in this environment also came with its own set of challenges. The lack of face-to-face interviews as well as the ability to onboard new hires in-person limited those interactions to Zoom meetings. That type of experience is less than ideal as it removes the human element that we’re all accustomed to.

At the same time, we were still able to make it work thanks to the digital tools we have available. But it’s how we pivoted to improve those digital experiences that gave some companies a leg-up in the quest for the right talent. Brands that were already providing a solid CX were better equipped to incorporate those elements into this new kind of engagement — they realized that the hiring process is also an experience. An incredibly important one.

Layering CX Into the Hiring Experience

These new, digital-only interactions may have been born out of necessity but how they were packaged up soon became a clear differentiator. Companies that took a page from their CX playbook and applied it to the interview and onboarding processes found that they were better suited to find the right candidate the first time.

Streamlining these remote hiring experiences boils down to incorporating three CX principles: consistency, predictability and (data-driven) outcomes. Consistency is key and applies to the entire hiring process especially when it comes to providing feedback — fragmented or piecemeal ways of sharing thoughts on a potential new hire has never been an ideal strategy. The same goes for predictability as any ad hoc or informal processes don’t structure the experience in a way that guarantees results. And then, of course, there’s data — how this information is aggregated and used internally to identify the right candidate is crucial. Leveraging different data points to create digital dossiers, if you will, allows companies to quickly and easily do an apples-to-apples comparison based on their hiring needs.

Related Article: How to Hire the Best Customer Experience Talent

Establishing a Baseline for the Hiring Process

Incorporating elements of CX into the hiring process is a win-win for a company as well as the candidate. It’s a mutually beneficial approach that empowers companies to find the right talent by formalizing an otherwise disjointed process. Removing those points of friction for a candidate will not only streamline the hiring process, but it also speaks volumes to a company’s values by making these experiences a strategic priority. And trust that candidates will immediately know one way or the other as they do their own assessment.

From a company perspective, creating an inclusive, internal feedback loop is integral to successful interviewing and hiring processes. Regardless if the position is for an executive or an intern, connecting the candidate with both junior and senior employees across different departments provides a useful cross-section of company culture. From there, ample time should be set aside for the interviewers to come together as a group, compare notes and make an informed decision.


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