The Keystone of Emerging SEO Trends


The Gist

  • Latest SEO trends. High-quality, audience-centric content is pivotal for better SEO rankings.
  • Author expertise. Google’s EAT now includes “experience,” favoring authors with hands-on knowledge.
  • User importance. User experience on your site directly impacts your SEO rankings.
  • AI in SEO: AI can assist but don’t depend on it wholly. 

Most business owners want their websites to rank, plain and simple. But while your end goal is to get to the top of the search engine results page, you need a strategy. And your game plan must be flexible enough to adapt to the latest SEO trends.

What the search engine algorithms looked favorably upon yesterday may not work to your digital content’s advantage today. Staying on top of the latest SEO trends and flexing your approach are essential moves to make.

Let’s look at four of the latest SEO trends you should consider if you want to boost your rankings. 

1. Content Should Benefit the Audience

Search engine rank is often viewed as a numbers game. The more pieces of keyword-enriched content you create, the better your chances are of ranking for something, right? Not so fast. More than ever, search engines are considering the quality of the content you put out there.

Do readers find the information helpful? How well does it match their search intent? Besides being satiating and relevant, the piece should demonstrate in-depth subject knowledge. And your content has to have a human-to-human element. Create content for people in your target audience instead of a search engine.

But isn’t ranking about accommodating the whims of search engine algorithms? In a sense, yes. However, those algorithms are also becoming more “humanized.” You can use strategic tactics like content pillars to create digestible information humans find satisfying and helpful.

With this strategy, you’re creating a combination of long-form and shorter-form pieces that satisfy audience intent. Shorter-form content like blogs answers a range of specific questions people are asking about a topic. Longer-form pages dig deep into the subject, providing a solid overview of everything they want to know. A content pillar strategy appeases Google’s helpful content update while displaying your expertise. 

An audience listens to a presenter in a large event room in piece about the latest SEO trends.
Create content for people in your target audience instead of a search engine.kasto on Adobe Stock Photos

Related Article: State of Search: Top SEO Strategies for 2023

2. Author Experience Matters

You’ve probably heard of Google’s EAT if you’re tracking all the search engine acronyms. It stands for expertise, authority and trust. When ranking your content, the search engine considers whether the piece has those factors. Google wants to know if the audience can trust you because you have knowledge and credibility on the subject.


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