Spotlight on Brianna Langley Henderson


This is part of our end-of-year series celebrating our top CMSWire Contributors of the Year for 2023. These are regular CMSWire Contributors whose articles this year greatly resonated with our community of professionals. These Contributors simply serve as great ambassadors of our brand in the world of marketing and customer experience.

The Gist

  • Expert insights. Brianna Langley Henderson’s articles in 2023 highlighted evolving trends in customer data and AI’s impact on marketing.
  • Influential contributions. Recognized as a top CMSWire Contributor, Henderson’s work resonated deeply within the professional community.
  • Narrative mastery. Henderson skillfully blended marketing expertise with engaging storytelling in her customer experience analyses.

Brianna Langley Henderson lives customer experience and marketing. Every day. She has to. It’s her job.

And her knowledge shines in her CMSWire articles. Brianna’s “Customer Data: Trends to Look for in 2024” article, for instance, guides us through this labyrinth with the finesse of a seasoned marketing expert and a sharp-eyed customer experience aficionado. Her expertise, honed over more than a decade, shines in her role as marketing manager for Bailey International.

Brianna’s latest piece isn’t merely a forecast of the year ahead; it’s a masterclass in the evolving dynamics of customer data management. With her narrative, she skillfully unveils the looming challenges and innovative breakthroughs in the field. The article delves into pressing issues like the surge in customer data theft and abuse, the transformative role of data lakes, and the burgeoning realm of cross-organizational data collaborations.

Brianna’s expertise is wide ranging as she explores other topics, such as the transformative impact of AI on customer journey orchestration, emphasizing the balance between personalization and privacy. Her insights into the role of contact center agents in an AI-enhanced landscape, and the application of economic modeling to customer experience, reflect her deep understanding of the evolving dynamics in customer data management.

As a writer for CMSWire, Brianna demonstrates her profound grasp of complex concepts in customer experience and marketing. She engages her readers not just with facts and figures but with a narrative that makes the esoteric world of customer data management both understandable and captivating.

Q&A With Brianna Langley Henderson

AI Reshapes Customer Journeys: Benefits, Challenges

How is AI transforming the way businesses orchestrate customer journeys, and what are the key benefits and challenges of integrating AI into this process?

The main benefit that I’ve found lies in the ability of AI to decode intricate customer behaviors, enabling teams to craft experiences that resonate with individuals instead of segments. This not only enhances customer experience, but also cultivates brand loyalty.

Of course, the integration of AI into customer journey orchestration is not without its challenges. One such hurdle is the ethical dimension of data usage. Striking the right balance between personalization and privacy has become a delicate dance for companies navigating this new, AI-driven landscape. Also, there is a learning curve associated with implementing and optimizing AI systems, demanding an investment in both resources and employee training. Despite these challenges, the promise of AI in reshaping customer journeys is undeniable.

AI Evolution: Contact Center Agents as AI Collaborators

In your view, how is AI reshaping the role of contact center agents, and what skills should agents be developing to work effectively alongside AI systems?

Contact center agents now find themselves conducting a symphony where AI serves as the ensemble. That is to say they are no longer restricted to the same mundane, repetitive tasks they once were. AI has now made it possible for agents to embrace a new set of skills, pivoting their roles from routine problem-solving to becoming the empathetic orchestrators of complex interactions. The ability to understand and interpret AI-generated insights is also now paramount for this role — this understanding will allow agents to provide nuanced and personalized solutions to customers. These agents have become not just responders but curators of exceptional customer experiences, requiring a blend of emotional intelligence, adaptability, and a keen understanding of the symbiotic relationship between human and machine.

Revitalizing Voice of Customer with AI: Best Practices

How does AI contribute to the revitalization of “Voice of the Customer” programs, and what best practices should companies adopt to effectively leverage AI in understanding customer feedback?

AI injects vitality into these programs by sifting through vast troves of data, distilling key insights, and revealing behavioral patterns. To effectively leverage AI in understanding customer feedback, companies must adopt best practices that mirror the ethos of empathy and curiosity. Namely, they should embrace the holistic nature of feedback, recognizing that every customer interaction contributes to a larger narrative. Additionally, it’s crucial to understand that AI can uncover trends, but that the human touch is indispensable in deciphering the emotions and context underlying the feedback. Lastly, a commitment to iterative learning is key; AI evolves, and so should the strategies put in place to interpret and act upon customer voices.

Economic Modeling: Key to Enhanced Customer Experience

How can economic modeling be utilized to enhance customer experience and drive marketing success, especially in today’s data-driven landscape?

Economic modeling can act as a compass for navigating the future of customer experience and marketing success. By applying economic principles to customer behavior, CX teams can unveil patterns and insights that guide strategic decision-making. Think of it as decoding the hidden language of transactions and interactions. Understanding things like the elasticity of demand, the dynamics of supply curves, and the concept of marginal utility empowers marketers to optimize pricing strategies and tailor offerings to future customer preferences.

Moreover, economic modeling can be an amazing tool for forecasting customer lifetime value — thus, enabling businesses to allocate resources judiciously and build long-term relationships. Marrying economic modeling with CX data is a recipe for not just marketing success but for crafting an enriching and resonant customer experience.

Customer Experience: Beyond Transactions to Emotional Connections

How do you foresee the role of customer experience evolving over the next few years?


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