Solving Customer Frustration with AI and Human Agents


Offering positive contact center experiences is a major factor in the ultimate success of a company. Contact centers are currently part of a $500 billion industry that is expected to grow to $750 billion by 2030. Companies that fail to prioritize the customer experience will quickly fall behind and be replaced by innovators not afraid of experimenting. The contact centers leading the pack in 2030 will be the ones currently obsessing over how to improve CX with technology.Remember, it can cost four to five times more to acquire new customers versus retaining current ones.

In this article, we’ll explain how forward-thinking contact centers are using technology to their advantage. Also, we’ll explore how generative AI can help contact centers stay ahead of the curve and become a leading provider of exceptional customer experiences.

Understanding Customer Frustrations

Automation in contact centers often falls short of customer expectations, especially during complex interactions. Oftentimes, a customer will go through a chatbot only to be transferred to a human agent, facing long wait times and becoming more frustrated. They likely have to repeat the same information to the human agent that they’ve already told the chatbot, increasing their stress levels even more. According to a 2023 study, nearly a third of customers said they’ve sworn at customer support robots or agents in the past year due to frustration.

Many customer frustrations boil down to wasted time. In fact, 75% of consumers say that long wait times are the biggest reason they become dissatisfied. However, half (45%) say they would prefer to have their inquiries handled by AI if it’s faster. Time is of the essence to customers, and just as wasted time can ruin customer experience, finding a way to make more efficient use of customers’ time can improve CX greatly.

How Human-in-the-Loop Fixes Flaws in the Customer Experience

Adopting the right customer support technology is a key first step in addressing the frustrations above. Conversational AI, for example, can greatly improve the customer experience. It works best when collaborating with human agents. By combining the best of both worlds, humans and AI can deliver the best possible CX, improving metrics such as customer satisfaction score (CSAT), wait times and resolution times. This process is called “Human-in-the-Loop,” and it enables a technology called “Task Orchestration” to give agents real-time AI guidance and smoothly move the interaction forward.

For example, conversational AI leader Interactions has an Intelligent Virtual Assistant (IVA) with a 97% accuracy rate in understanding a customers’ intent and communicating appropriately. Even with a high success rate like this, though, there will be outlier situations in which theAIrequires human intuition — like when a customer requests a discount.


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