Sitecore DX Minneapolis 2023 Unveils Composable, Cloud Solutions


The Gist

  • Event spotlight. Sitecore DX Minneapolis focuses on composability.
  • Minneapolis significance. Birthplace of Four51 and a Sitecore talent hub.
  • New products. Sitecore unveils XM Cloud Plus and Sitecore Accelerate.

MINNEAPOLIS — Sitecore DX Minneapolis 2023 was held on Oct. 4 in the beautiful, and uncharacteristically warm for this time of year, Twin Cities. Composability was the subject du jour in the hallways and ballrooms of the Radisson Blu on the perimeter of the monolithic Mall of America.

Minneapolis marked another stop on the one-day premium event series that the digital experience platform provider has held throughout the year. Previous dates took place in London, Sydney and Boston, with Dubai still to come.

These single-day DX events replaced the wildly popular global symposium that Sitecore typically hosts, though Sitecore did also announce at the Minnesota event that the Symposium will return next October in Nashville. 

Minneapolis is an important location for Sitecore, as it is the birthplace of Four51, the headless commerce provider Sitecore acquired three years ago. It also represents a meaningful talent cluster for the company, with a reported 150 Sitecore employees working out of the city.

Sitecore’s Weeklong DX: MVPs, SUGCON & More

This iteration was also different from the previous 2023 Sitecore DX stops, as it included activities that spanned a full week. On Monday and Tuesday, Sitecore MVPs (Most Valuable Professionals) descended on the Radisson Blu for the Sitecore MVP Summit, which features intimate and closed-door conversations, presentations and roundtables with product leadership about the roadmap for the company. Discretion and frank discussion allow for meaningful connection between the company and its top partner practitioners. (Full disclosure: I was a first-time Sitecore MVP this year and had the opportunity to attend.)

Tuesday included a Partner Connect event as well. On Thursday and Friday, Sitecore was scheduled to host the SUGCON (Sitecore User Group Conference) North America, which tends to be more technical, and developer focused. In sum, the week represented touchpoints for all manner of customer, partner, employee and prospect — almost like a composable symposium (composium?). 

Related Article: Umbraco vs. Sitecore: It’s All About the Marketing Use Case

Sitecore DX Unveils XM Cloud, Accelerate

The big news coming out of the Sitecore DX Minneapolis event was the announcement of two new offerings: XM Cloud Plus and Sitecore Accelerate. Sitecore CEO Steve Tzikakis said that the theme of his keynote and of the day comes down to three words: disrupt, accelerate and innovate. These themes were peppered throughout like a well-architected composable technology stack. 

XM Cloud Plus: Sitecore’s Composable Evolution

XM Cloud Plus is the logical extension of XM Cloud, Sitecore’s fully-native cloud CMS launched in 2022, and the bringing together — or bundling — of its other “hexagons,” or composable products ranging across search, personalization, customer data management and analytics. (Hexagons are the shape that Sitecore uses graphically to represent the composable products).

Composability represents great choice for the enterprise customer, of “best-of-breed” cloud-native, headless solutions connected through APIs. But with that depth of choice, it also opens a world of new possibilities and potentially new vendors to vet, review, connect, roadmap, procure and architect. While all-in-one, on-premise solutions may have had drawbacks in their tightly coupled layers and their onerous upgrades, approaching composability with open eyes and from that frame of reference can feel daunting.


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