Sci-Tech Startups: Mastering Market Strategy Magic


The Gist

  • Challenge highlighted. Marketing strategies for science-led startups face unique hurdles.
  • Engage authentically. Simplify complex ideas in marketing strategies for science-led startups.
  • Visual importance. Cohesive branding complements marketing strategies for science-led startups.

An effective marketing strategy is one of your most valuable tools as a new business. It’s what enables you to make a lasting impact.

Although every business uses marketing as a way to scale, deep tech and science-based startups have a few additional challenges with which to contend. Their proposition is more difficult to distill, and, therefore, more difficult to engage with without the right strategy.

Nevertheless, success is within reach, you just need to build your foundations first. By following a few simple principles, deep-tech and science-led startups can make sure that their strategy is working for growth, not hindering it.

A blackboard inscribed with scientific formulas and calculations in physics and mathematics, representing the need for marketing strategies for deep-tech and science-led startups.
Deep-tech and science-led startups need effective marketing strategies.Tryfonov on Adobe Stock Photos

Creating Winning Brands for Science-Led Startups: The Unique Challenges

Your startup might face several challenges as you grow. You might not have access to the lab space you need to continue R&D. There might not be a local network of like-minded organizations to learn and partner with, or you may find yourself stuck in the legal depths of intellectual property.

These are all valid technical challenges, but there’s one that’s not necessarily front of mind. Not being able to resonate with your key audiences — from investors to buyers — can actively hinder your growth.

No matter how well your solution performs, communicating its value to your audience is more important. Once you hit the startup stage, it’s time to shift your language from what’s appropriate for jargon-heavy academic papers to having a conversation that directly resonates with your different audiences’ needs and concerns.

This will help you demonstrate your worth to investors and land your Series A funding at a time when “fast-growing UK tech companies continue to raise at near-record levels (£24 billion).” It can help you create a long-lasting impression with buyers that will convert time and time again. It can even help attract the right employees (and skillsets) into your team.

Finding out if this challenge applies to you is simple. Just ask yourself if you can showcase your value to your readers, without using the same techniques that you use to communicate to your peers. If you’re unsure, the answer may be yes.

Related Article: Get off the Tech Marketing Hype Train

What Needs to Happen? Adapting Your Marketing Messaging

Adapting your messaging to suit your new audiences is not a quick process, but it is essential. Here are two of the most important steps you need to take:

Step 1: Distill Your Offering Into Easily Digestible Messaging

Accessibility, not technicality, should be your primary focus.

This doesn’t mean abandoning the innovative feats that make your solution great but framing them in the best light for your audience. If you’re developing something to be used for all audiences, then don’t overwhelm them with technical jargon.

Instead, highlight the practical value of your product or service for their every day. What challenge does it solve? What difference will it make to their lives? Why does your business’s mission matter?


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