Revolutionize Your Contact Centers With AI: Enhancing Customer Service


The Gist

  • Optimize omnichannel opportunities. Provide clear AI-powered channels for customer communications that deliver personalized experiences.

  • Enhance customer data analytics. Simplify and refine data collation to generate real-time insights and leverage boundless AI capabilities. 

  • Free up agents. With AI-optimized systems resolving standard issues, customer teams can connect human to human to reduce significant customer journey friction.

With customers increasingly more connected and communicating on a multiplicity of channels, contact centers have become busier than ever. An IBM report from 2022 found that when contacting a brand, 32% of customers expect a response within 30 minutes and nearly 50% within the hour. 

With these expectations in mind, brands are searching for smarter solutions to strengthen and revitalize their customer relationships, boost customer satisfaction and streamline historically time-consuming tasks. 

Many are turning to AI as a customer service solution because it can support the evolution of contact centers by identifying data patterns, resolving sticky customer-facing issues and streamlining operational processes. 

Robots wearing headsets working in a customer contact center in piece about the impact of AI in customer service.
Many customer service departments have integrated key aspects of AI in customer service technology within their workflows.Nebula Cordata on Adobe Stock Photos

AI in Customer Service: Revolutionizing Workflows

Many customer service departments have integrated key aspects of AI in customer service technology within their workflows. Automation enables business software to run on a set of rules to simplify processes, while AI allows technological systems to essentially be trained to “think” like humans. 

This is a powerful combination for customer service providers as they create the ability to boost productivity and predict customer behavior with more reliable results. 

Both automation and AI empower brands to dig into the details by leveraging natural language processing in solutions like chatbots to help software understand and respond to human language. Robotic process automation also makes workflows easier to navigate. 

When paired together, automation and AI in customer service can be used to create valuable insights and time-saving opportunities. This can be evidenced in customer service solutions such as interaction tracking or matching customers to the most appropriate customer service agent. 

Related Article: AI-Enhanced Contact Center Platforms for World-Class Customer Service

How AI Elevates the Customer Experience

AI-trained contact centers are driving innovation across brands. New AI training sets are transforming the quantity, quality and precision of customer data now available for customer service teams. This reduces errors and improves response times. Here are some of the benefits of AI in customer service:

  • Around-the-clock service. Customers can now contact service teams at any time using omnichannel support platforms. There’s little chance for human teams to generate timely, accurate responses within the limits that customers now expect. 
  • Timely communication. With conversational intelligence software such as chatbots, businesses can deliver real-time communication and process vital data that supports complex cases to a successful completion with agents when assigned.
  • Redirecting traffic. AI chatbots help to resolve common questions and direct customers to easy-access information sources that free customer service agents to direct their valuable resources to more challenging tasks. 
  • Relieving wait times. Another major advantage AI in customer service is that peak periods are easily managed, thus reducing customer waiting times — a significant factor when looking to improve overall customer satisfaction. In fact, 90% of businesses using AI chatbots report recorded improvements in complaint resolution speed, and over 80% confirm expanded call capacity handling. 

Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity

There are a range of AI products that empower contact centers to improve CX while boosting cost efficiencies and productivity. For example, automated call monitoring helps contact centers track customer calls and develop operational insights with quality feedback to help improve contact center training and deliver extra levels of agent expertise. 


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