Insightful Data: Elevating Customer Journeys


The Gist

  • Data-driven strategies. Increasing customer experience demands industrialized, accessible data.
  • AI-powered insights. Generative AI’s rise emphasizes democratizing data for all employees.
  • Strategic partnerships. Strong collaboration between CMOs, CX professionals, and CIOs is essential.

Without question, data is the fuel of great marketing and great customer experience. According to MIT-CISR’s research shared in the book “Future Ready,” “The disadvantage of increasing customer experience without industrializing data is it adds more complexity to already fragmented systems and processes, increasing the cost to serve the customer.” Where this occurs, employees carry the torch every day for their customers. Even with the best intentions, these guardians of customer experience cannot succeed if customer data is hard to access. 

At the same time, the authors of “Beyond Digital” suggest that organizations should aim for a system of privileged insights with customers because, “The better your insights, the more you can improve your value propositions in a way that is relevant for customers.” This implies that data should be equally important to CMOs and CX professionals.

Consequently, I consulted several Silicon Valley data executives on the steps organizations should take in 2024 to become data leaders and transform marketing and customer experiences. Their insights could be valuable for your journey forward.

Dashboard infographic template with big data visualization, including pie charts, workflow, web design, UI elements in piece about data-driven strategies and leadership.
“The better your insights, the more you can improve your value propositions in a way that is relevant for customers.” This implies that data should be equally important to CMOs and CX professionals.dimakostrov on Adobe Stock Photos

Junaid Saiyed, CTO & SVP Engineering at Alation

“The next year is set to witness an unprecedented upsurge in the adoption of generative AI in the corporate world. Leading technology giants, such as Google, OpenAI, and Meta, together with emerging players, are poised to drive this trend through relentless advancements and innovations in the technology. Addressing the challenges of hallucinations in generative AI is crucial for establishing trust within the enterprise sector.

“However, the key to adoption lies in its democratization. It’s imperative for data leaders extend the accessibility and comprehensibility of generative AI beyond just technical teams. A pivotal step towards this is democratizing data — ensuring that all employees have access to high-quality, reliable data. The goal should be discovery and utilization of scattered but reliable data across an organization, enabling even non-technical personnel to effectively engage with data-driven generative AI tools. Cultivating a data-literate and inquisitive culture is essential, where every individual is equipped with the necessary resources to understand, analyze and make informed decisions using data.

“Organizations that reach this level of analytical autonomy and data culture maturity are poised to reap substantial benefits including enhanced customer experiences, streamlined operations and significant business growth, setting a new benchmark in organizational efficiency and innovation.”

Related Article: Data-Driven Strategies: How to Overcome Data Challenges in Business


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