Free Traffic vs Paid Traffic

Free Traffic vs Paid Traffic

Most of the time, you need a website or landing page to make money online. You need to get people to your product page whether you’re promoting a product, a whole store, or just a service. You need to find a way to connect your product with your potential customers, no matter what your business offers.

Your website can be used to promote your goods and services in a variety of ways. However, they all come from traffic sources, paid or unpaid.

How does free traffic work?

Spreading the word and directing people to your website without charging you anything amounts to free traffic.

According to affiliate expert Charles Ngo, you can hand out flyers outside your restaurant if you want to advertise for free. Having a website makes it easier, but it still lets people know what you do and how your product or service can help them. This is how free advertising works.

Free traffic examples include:

Free traffic can come from any number of different places, but all of them fall under the categories of content marketing or search engine optimization (also known as organic traffic).

The fundamental goal of content marketing is to produce sufficient educational or entertaining content to encourage website visitors to convert. The more people who know and talk about you, the more likely it is that you will convert, whether you’re trying to sell a physical product or get people to download your app.

Free traffic benefits and drawbacks:

For lead generation, free traffic is appealing because:

  1. Because it’s free, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on marketing.
  2. Despite its length, it is not stressful. To build relationships, you need a good plan.
  3. The effects last forever. This indicates that even if you reduce your efforts, you can anticipate long-lasting results once you have established a connection with your brand.
  4. Content marketing is a great way to build your brand and get people to remember you.

Additionally, some aspects of free traffic may be disadvantageous, such as:

  1. Because of how slow this process is, starting your website could take months or years.
  2. It takes a lot of time and effort to establish a good SEO reputation.
  3. The method may not be completely free because the tools cost money.
  4. Your SEO progress could be undone completely by algorithm updates and Google updates.

How does paid traffic work?

Simply paying to see ads for your product constitutes paid traffic. You can pay an agency or do it yourself as an affiliate advertiser. You can select when and where you want your ads to appear online. There are three payment models:

  1. Cost per click, or CPC: When someone clicks on your ad, you get paid. Choose, for instance, to display push notifications and distribute them to 100 users via the Ad Exchange platform. You will be charged for the 60 visits if 60 people click on your advertisement and are taken to your website. So, 10 of those clients will purchase your item.
  2. Cost per Mille: CPM Every 1000 times your ad is seen, you get paid. Therefore, you are paying $2 if your advertisement is seen 2000 times and your CPM is set to $1. This payment method is mostly used for new traffic.
  3. Fixed Fee: If you decide to purchase advertising space at a predetermined cost and duration. If you “rent” an advertisement space for seven days for $50 per day, it will cost you $350.You might have five sales on a given day, but even though each sale costs $5, the cost of the ad space won’t be covered the next day when you have thirty sales (worth $300) and can make up for the loss. So far, more.

Paid traffic examples include:

Paid traffic advertising can be accomplished in three ways:

  1. AdWords (Google): Create an account and make a payment so that your ads will appear higher in the list of search results. This will allow Google to recommend your website to users who type in keywords related to your website.
  2. Ad Exchange Platform: To display native ads (as a part of your website) or popups, banners, and push notifications, sign up for an Ad Exchange platform like Zero park.
  3. Social media ads: You can pay to have your ads displayed on platforms like Instagram, Facebook (via the Facebook Ads Manager).

Paid traffic benefits and drawbacks:

Your product can be promoted effectively using paid traffic because:

  1. When you start your campaign, you’ll start seeing paid ads, so you’ll see results right away (conversions can start coming in right away).
  2. You can customize the orientation to meet your needs. This means that you can (for social media platforms) target a specific demographic or a large audience at once.
  3. With a variety of tracking tools, you can see exactly what kind of content you’re spending and how much money you’re making from ads.
  4. You are completely in charge of when, how, and what you advertise.

However, there are undoubtedly some disadvantages.

  1. Your budget restricts your reach: If you only have $20 to spend on your advertisement each day, you can only show it to as many people as $20 can buy.
  2. Because it takes time to find the right orientation, it can be costly for novices.
  3. A lot of advertising campaigns can be stressful to manage.
  4. It necessitates investment and familiarity with standard affiliate marketing strategies.