Enhancing DEI in Customer Experience


The Gist

  • AI optimism. Study finds 72% believe generative AI will enhance customer experiences.
  • DEI impact. AI can bolster diversity, equity and inclusion in products and services.
  • Bias reduction. Generative AI can help eliminate inherent biases in businesses.

In a recent Adobe survey in which 13,000 consumers and 4,250 customer experience and marketing professionals were surveyed, 72% of respondents say generative AI will improve their customer experiences. Optimism for generative AI was even higher with younger consumers, with 80% of millennials and 83% of Gen Z in agreement. Generative AI also promises to improve diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in a brand’s products and services, marketing and advertising campaigns, and hiring practices. This article will look at the ways that generative AI can enhance and improve DEI as part of the customer experience.

Why Is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Important to CX?

The integration of DEI principles into CX is not just a moral obligation, but it has proven to also be beneficial for the success and sustainability of businesses. Aaron Rafferty, CEO at StandardDAO, a community-owned, decentralized treasury, told CMSWire that generative AI has transformative potential to bolster DEI across a wide range of industries, impacting customer experiences, marketing campaigns and hiring practices.

DEI enables a brand to expand the market reach of its products and services. When a brand’s products and services are designed with inclusion in mind, brands are likely to attract customers who might have been ignored or underserved by other companies, making them accessible and relatable to a wider audience. Customers often feel more satisfied with a product or service if they feel it caters to their specific needs. 

Additionally, businesses with a diverse workforce encourage a culture of creativity and innovation, contributing to unique ideas that help to facilitate the creation of innovative products and services that can better meet the needs of a diverse customer base.

In the workplace, DEI means that a brand has a much wider range of options, solutions and innovation due to having people from different genders, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, geographic regions and cognitive processes. “In recruitment, companies are able to empower their managers for better results by focusing on a more holistic dataset that prioritizes qualifications over personal characteristics, reducing bias,” said Rafferty.

Teams with diverse backgrounds bring different perspectives and insights into customer needs and preferences, which is essential in an increasingly global and diverse market. When employees feel that they are working in an inclusive environment, they are likely to be more engaged and committed to their employer. This can lead to better customer interactions as engaged employees are often more attentive to customer needs.

Brands that embrace diversity and inclusion are generally viewed more favorably by the public. This can translate into stronger customer loyalty and brand preference, as people are more likely to support businesses that align with their values. Embracing DEI is about being a socially responsible company. It reflects the brand’s commitment to playing a positive role in society, and customers are increasingly considering social responsibility and values as a factor in their purchasing decisions.

Related Article: 3 Ways Diversity Improves the Customer Experience

Generative AI Can Enhance Product and Service Offerings

Similar to how DEI plays a big role in enhancing a brand’s diverse and inclusive product and service offerings, generative AI will do the same. When generative AI is trained on diverse datasets, it is able to create content that is culturally adaptive and relevant to diverse audiences. “Generative AI produces representative and specific marketing content, appealing to a broader demographic but at a more personalized level,” said Rafferty.

Additionally, generative AI can be used to accurately translate product information and communications into multiple languages, making products and services more accessible to a globally diverse audience.

AI can also be used to generate designs that conform to accessibility standards. For example, generative AI can suggest design modifications to make websites or apps more usable for people with disabilities, such as adding alternative text for images or ensuring sufficient color contrast.

Many brands incorporate human imagery in marketing and digital platforms. Using generative AI, they can generate or modify images and videos to mirror audience diversity, including different races, genders and abilities, enhancing both marketing assets and web content with inclusive representation.

Related Article: Where Are Marketers on the Generative AI Adoption Curve?

Use Generative AI to Eliminate Inherent Biases

The idea of using AI to eliminate inherent biases isn’t new, but the evolution of AI has many people optimistic that this can now be achieved. A 2023 Pew Research survey revealed that 53% of those who see racial bias as a problem in hiring believe that it would get better if businesses used AI more in the hiring process.

“Biased inputs will invariably lead to biased outputs,” said Rafferty. “Thus, companies need to invest in curating broad, representative datasets and implementing robust auditing practices to ensure their AI output remains unbiased.” It’s important to train the AI on diverse datasets and actively monitor and adjust its performance to avoid these unintended biases. This will ensure that the AI genuinely contributes to enhancing diversity and inclusion in product and service offerings. “The benefits of output are intrinsically tied to the quality and diversity of the input data,” explained Rafferty. 

Along with eliminating biases, AI can be used to assist the disadvantaged to earn a living. Bars Juhasz, co-founder, AI programmer and designer at Undetectable AI, an AI writing tool, told CMSWire that generative AI will help with inclusiveness and diversity by creating jobs for people who are disadvantaged. “People who suffer from disabilities, and people who have not been fortunate enough to receive privileged higher education will be able to supercharge their productivity, learning, communication, and creative capabilities with the help of AI,” said Juhasz.


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