Dial A for AI: Twilio Announces AI Expansion


The Gist

  • AI expansion. Twilio introduces generative tools and enhanced features.
  • Democratized predictions. Twilio’s CustomerAI empowers marketers to enhance engagement.
  • Voice insightsNew tool transforms unstructured voice data into actionable insights.

Twilio, a provider of cloud communications platforms, will announce new offerings encompassing a variety of predictive and generative AI tools today during its SIGNAL 2023 conference.

Katrina Wong, VP of marketing at Twilio, shared an exclusive interview with CMSWire on the company’s latest foray into artificial intelligence with CustomerAI, its customer engagement platform.

Let’s take a look at some of the new enhanced features.

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CustomerAI Predictions: Democratizing AI for Marketers

Amidst today’s competitive market dynamics, there’s a growing emphasis on leveraging AI and machine learning (ML) to understand and predict future customer behavior. However, the intricacy of such models often demands a confluence of real-time data and specialized data science knowledge.

Twilio’s latest feature, CustomerAI Predictions, will empower marketers, even those without an extensive technical background, to swiftly pinpoint and engage specific customer segments, according to Wong. With this tool, they can initiate customer pathways and customize experiences across various channels, relying on metrics such as a customer’s lifetime value, propensity to buy or discontinue a service and more. A key component of its efficiency is the integration of real-time data from Segment, a customer data platform Twilio acquired in 2020.

“What that means is, as a marketer, you can come in and say, I want to know the propensity to buy for a particular product, and through AI and the use of data, we’ve made it accessible for the end user,” Wong said. “Which is pretty powerful, because up until this point, most marketers were working with data science teams — and we will always need to work with data science teams — but we’ve made it very accessible to run some out-of-box predictions, as well as custom predictions.”

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Voice Intelligence: Transforming Unstructured Call Data into Actionable Insights

As call volumes continue to rise, voice remains an essential channel for customer service. Yet, many companies face challenges in deciphering and learning from these calls due to the unstructured nature of voice data, Twilio officials contend.

Enter Voice Intelligence, a tool that utilizes transcription and language operations to apply conversational speech recognition, providing insights from voice interactions. By leveraging Natural Language Understanding (NLU), the tool can pinpoint and report on various trends, including prevalent feedback, insights into competitors and potential compliance risks. Further, for Twilio Flex and Voice clientele, there’s a feature to ensure regulatory compliance by redacting personal information automatically.


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