Data Centers: Power-Hungry Giants


The Gist

  • Data centers. Draining resources and straining communities, data centers consume vast water and electricity, often at the expense of local needs.
  • Community and employment. Data centers offer minimal job opportunities, adding little to local economies while heavily using local resources and causing pollution.
  • What can marketers/CX pros do? Know where your customer data is hosted and is going.

Who would not want to be Big Tech? They make massive, massive margins. They pay practically no taxes. They design trashy products that are useless after a couple of years and cannot be repaired. I mean, how many iPhone models have we had since 2007?

Let’s take a look at data centers. Marketers and customer experience leaders should take heed of the growing public scrutiny around the environmental and societal impacts of data centers, as illustrated by the issues of resource consumption and community strain. Marketers and customer experience leaders can differentiate their brands by proactively addressing these concerns, demonstrating corporate social responsibility, and fostering a more sustainable, community-focused approach to their operations.

Data Centers: Swindling Resources, Community Impact

The latest great Big Tech technology swindle is data centers, and this is particularly surreal. Data centers are absolutely terrible for any community they’re located in. They’re big ugly box monsters. They gurgle down vast quantities of fresh water. The suck up massive amounts of electricity.

A colorfully lit data center server room in piece about data centers and pollution and greed.
Data centers are absolutely terrible for any community they’re located in. They’re big ugly box monsters. They gurgle down vast quantities of fresh water. The suck up massive amounts of electricity. didiksaputra on Adobe Stock Photos

They get this electricity and water at knockdown prices with cast iron guarantees. If there is a natural disaster, the community can go without lights and without water, while at the data center, the lights will always stay on and the servers will keep drinking happily away.

Related Article: 90% of Data Is Junk and Terrible for the Environment


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