Customer Care Beyond the Holidays


The Gist

  • Building customer trust. Genuine gratitude, not sales pitches, fosters customer trust.
  • Holiday season insight. Authentic “thank you” notes impact more than promotional emails.
  • Gratitude practices. Thoughtful gifts and active listening strengthen customer relationships.

It is that time of year when we look at what we are grateful for and, of course, put things on our wish list for things we want. We often discuss the holidays that stretch from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day as the “holiday season.” A time to share with family, to give thanks, and be happy with all we have while also giving to those closest to us.

Let’s take a look at some things that can help and hurt building trust with customers. 

Year-End Review: Urgency Meets Gratitude

For many businesses, it is the same thing. Assess the business, be grateful for the success and see where you still want to see more. Much of what is done during this period is much like the rest of the year, but with added urgency and putting together a view of the upcoming year.  

We look at numbers, create forecasts, set budgets and make plans. All of this is done while making the last push for sales to close out the year while hopefully making plans for a little time off to spend with family and friends or just to escape for a short period of time.  

Holiday Emails: Gratitude or Marketing?

Too often, there is the reality that we are “thanking” our customers by sending a marketing email to make one of those end-of-the-year sales or reminding them of the special deal made “just for our valued customers.” I get plenty of those. In fact, from Wednesday to Friday surrounding Thanksgiving I probably had over 100 emails in my personal account “thanking me” and giving me exclusive access to a Black Friday deal. But are these tactics really building trust with customers?

In an amusing twist, even my business emails had a set of exclusive post-Thanksgiving special offers. 

Related Article: Building a Gold Standard for Consumer Trust

Retail Email Stands Out with Genuine Thanks

Through all of those promotional and marketing emails that were “thanking me for being a customer” I had one that stood out to me. It was simple, it said “A moment of thanks,” that was it.


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