CMSWire’s Top 10 Overall Articles of 2023


The Gist

  • ChatGPT web browsing plugin. ChatGPT Plus included a web browsing feature and over 70 plugins, allowing access to recent online data and enhancing user experience.
  • Google March 2023 core update. Google’s latest core update aimed to promote high-quality content globally, with marketers advised to monitor site metrics and focus on quality and technical SEO.
  • Social media influencer types. The influencer market, valued at $21.1 billion, includes mega, macro, micro, and nano-influencers, each offering different levels of reach and engagement.

Well, that’s a wrap. Kind of. Sort of.

As we close out another year of content, we’re celebrating you, our readers. And you’ve told us all year what’s interesting in the arenas of customer experience and marketing and everything in between in 2023.

From using the ChatGPT web browsing plugin to better understanding Adobe’s $20 billion acquisition of Figma, here are the top 10 articles in 2023. It’s the first of many of these types of celebratory articles to finish off the year and start the New Year. 

Now, if OpenAI could just have no board meetings through the rest of the year, these lists of top articles will remain pretty solid.

“Grok,” a new AI developed by Elon Musk’s company xAI, is designed to provide real-time knowledge and tackle challenging questions with wit and rebellion. Unlike other models, Grok can address “spicy” questions and is currently in beta, rapidly evolving with user feedback. It uses a robust infrastructure and aims to enhance AI with reliable reasoning, long-context understanding and multimodal capabilities. Grok answers controversial queries less conservatively than other AIs and performs impressively in benchmarks, hinting at a new era in AI technology competition.

Adobe’s proposed $20 billion acquisition of Figma has sparked concerns about market competition and potential antitrust actions by the DOJ. The creative community is keenly observing the situation, as the deal could significantly impact the design software market. Adobe remained confident about the acquisition, emphasizing the benefits it could bring to customers and the industry. However, there was uncertainty regarding how Figma will integrate within Adobe and the broader implications for design innovation and market competition.

OpenAI disabled the “Browse with Bing” beta plugin for ChatGPT-4 due to concerns about inappropriate content display. This plugin, vital for accessing internet-based information, was a key feature of ChatGPT, known for generating well-documented content. OpenAI was committed to resolving the issue and planned to reintroduce the feature soon after the breach. The temporary removal of this plugin, especially given ChatGPT’s rapid growth and significant role in customer experience and marketing, drew notable attention and discussion within the community.


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