Business Transformation Strategies for Better CX and EX


The Gist

  • Business transformation strategies. Software impacts organizational models.
  • Customer experience transformation. Siloed operations hinder unified views.
  • Tech insights. Unchecked technical debt erodes efficiency.

I am a big believer that business and operating models form the foundation of an organization’s customer experience. Dated models equal a dated customer experience.

Let’s take a look at business transformation strategies as it applies to customer experience and employee experience. 

Strong Processes Define Brand Customer Experience

Whether it’s the restaurant that can’t quite get mobile ordering right, the retailer that can’t quite keep count of on-hand inventory or the telco that doesn’t take customer loyalty and lifetime value into account when raising rates across the board, strong organizational processes and models correlate to a brand’s ability to deliver a modern and satisfying customer experience transformation.

Pupae and cocoons are suspended from a line while fully formed monarch butterflies in orange, black and white emerge and rise up into the sky, suggesting t3he process of business transformation and customer experience transformation.
The process of business transformation can kickoff by taking a look at dated software and modernizing your organization. blackdiamond67 on Adobe Stokc Photos

Conway’s Laws Shape Martech’s Future Direction

I was reminded of this when I read Scott Brinker’s recent blog post: Conway’s Law vs. Inverse Conway’s Law and the future of build vs. buy in Martech. This piece contemplates the forward path of commercial versus custom software apps — and the impact it will have on organizations in the future. The article defined two laws, with their premises below:

  • Conway’s Law: “The design of a software app will reflect the way the company that built it works — its organizational structure, beliefs, culture, and philosophy.”
  • “Inverse Conway’s Law” (coined by Scott): “Adopting a commercial software app often requires a company to adapt the way it works to fit the design of that software app” or if we swap the words around from Conway’s Law premise: “the design of a company — its organizational structure, beliefs, culture, and philosophy reflect the way the commercial software apps they use work.”

Related Article: How Is AI Changing Digital Transformation?

Inverse Conway: Buying Software, Gaining Business Transformation Strategies

And as Scott goes on to comment — adhering to Inverse Conway’s Law isn’t always a bad thing — particularly if a company needs to adjust the way it works to adapt to new changes in the market. He then says, and this is really the foundation for this argument — “you’re paying for software, but what you are really buying is business transformation.”

Related Article: Digital Transformation in Customer Experience and the Butterfly Effect

Software’s Role in Shaping Business Transformation Strategies

Now here’s the thing — some organizations need software to infuse business transformation strategies, broad modernization and wholesale change — and others don’t. I want to focus, though, on the impacts that Inverse Conway’s Law has on the experiences that organizations provide.

Specifically, I want to investigate this question:

If you don’t have modern, well-designed commercial software and organizational structures — what are the impacts on the customer and employee experience?

Siloed Operations Hinder Unified Customer Experience Transformation

Siloed Business Operations. Increasing the focus on customer experience is the No. 1 priority to organizational marketing strategies over the next 12 months, according to Forrester’s 2023 B2C Marketing Challenges and Priorities Report. And yet most customer experience strategies at organizations are still very immature. In fact, 37% of respondents from the report still cite challenges around creating a single view of the customer across channels and interactions for marketing execution.


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