Balancing CX and EX for Growth


The Gist

  • CX and EX. Balancing customer and employee experiences is key to sustainable business growth.
  • Mindset shift. Successful CX requires an integrated approach encompassing people, process, technology and culture.
  • Collaborative strategy. Advisory boards of employees can identify and resolve key organizational friction points.

Recently, I had the chance to sit with thought leader Tiffani Bova and examine the state of customer experience. We explored why excelling in CX relies on organizations managing what she called the unintended consequence for employees. Her thoughts here should be valuable to every CMO and customer experience leader.

Let’s take a look at what she has to say about CX and EX.

Tiffani Bova wears a purple suit jacket while sitting outside in a wooden walkway next to a house with rocks and greenery in the background in piece about the importance of CX and EX.
Excelling in CX relies on organizations managing what thought leader Tiffani Bova calls the unintended consequence for

CX and EX: CX Is Not the Only One That Needs Attention

Bova said, “It is important that CMOs and CIOs that are driving customer experience understand that this investment can have unintended consequences, leading to gaps in employee experience, particularly in the seamless tech category.” This issue was perceived by the authors of “Future Ready” who claimed waiting to industrialize the marketing platform and eliminate legacy processes and systems, “adds more complexity to already fragmented systems and processes and increases the cost to serve a customer.”

Bova highlighted the results of a survey, which revealed a significant gap between how C-suite executives and customer-facing employees perceive the effectiveness of technology. She emphasized the detrimental effects this discrepancy can have on customer experience and business growth. A key issue, according to Bova, is the frequent absence of dedicated ownership over the employee experience within companies. Consequently, she advocates for the critical need to appoint an employee advocate in decision-making processes related to customer experience. Progressive CIOs are already making efforts to bridge this gap.

Bova addressed the necessity of a mindset shift in employee interactions with customers. Central to this transformation is addressing the workflow and process challenges faced by customer-facing employees. Bova emphasized the significance of the experiences of employees who directly engage with customers. She refers to this as the “diamond model,” which encompasses people, process, technology and culture. Innovatively, she proposes the establishment of an employee advisory board.

Bova also emphasized the importance of a holistic approach in task execution. She introduced the “experience mindset” as a novel operating philosophy that integrates people, processes, technology, culture and value, underscoring the need for it to be a business priority. Regarding business differentiation, Bova contends that successful organizations broaden their discourse on experience, thoroughly understanding its value inside and out.

Related Article: Is It Time to Make CX and EX ‘One Experience’?


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