AI & New Tech: Transforming Customer Engagement


The Gist

  • Use AI customer experience solutions wisely. There are many digital tools to leverage CX, but selecting the right one for your business is crucial. 

  • Build on data analytics. Data can be empowering, but too much can overwhelm so it’s important to streamline data collation.

  • Keep experiences personal. Automation everywhere all at once can put people off; pairing with human agents is key to customer service success. 

Trying to deliver excellent customer service without the support of AI tools and the enhanced analysis of data can be impractical — as well as a real challenge in today’s consumer landscape.

Now, many consumer-centered businesses are prioritizing the integration of AI and data analytics into their current operations. These tools improve data interpretation, customer segmentation and help create more personalized experiences along the customer journey. 

Such strategic processes are key to helping brands respond to the more intensive demands of customers in our present consumer climate. According to the 2022 Digital-First Customer Experience Report, 95% of consumers believe customer service impacts their brand loyalty, rating easy access, self-service and professional customer service agents as important factors. 

However, this is no surprise. Customer loyalty is intrinsically linked to a seamless customer experience, which can now be tailored and customized to suit the needs of individual shoppers by leveraging an AI customer experience solution strategy. 

But how?

AI Customer Experience Solutions Boost Transformation

The term “digital transformation” refers to the integration of digital technologies throughout a business — which ultimately helps forge new frontiers in customer service automation.

A recent Salesforce survey reports that 57% of customers like to engage with companies over digital channels. In addition, NICE 2022 research revealed that 52% of consumers prefer chat options, rendering this the most popular digital channel for customer communications. 

All in all, consumers are consistently sharing online reviews about brands that mention how they feel after poor customer service incidents. With this in mind, it makes total sense for brands to harness the power of AI and data collation to ensure that their customer service management is polished, proactive and personalized.

By deploying AI, CS teams can anticipate customer questions, reduce waiting times and construct targeted responses for customers that need help. Tracking online consumer reviews can help to determine the success of a team’s customer support strategy. 

Related Article: Digital Transformation in Customer Experience and the Butterfly Effect

Smart Marketing Technologies Can Transform Customer Experiences

New AI-fuelled marketing technologies help develop a greater connectivity between a brand and its customers, strengthening consumer loyalties and bonds between shopper and business. In fact, 88% of buyers say experience matters as much as a company’s products or services.

Let’s see how new marketing technology can leverage and transform future customer experiences.

Offer Omnichannel Services

Companies that explore the benefits of investing in CX are more likely to satisfy, engage and retain customers and turn them into brand champions. Offering omnichannel services is a great way to boost your CS department.


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