A Leap Toward Enhanced Digital Experience


The Gist

  • Generative AI integration. Across Sitecore solutions, generative AI makes its mark, unlocking potential for advanced content generation, marketing automation and enhanced digital customer interactions.
  • Start your accelerations. Launch of Sitecore Accelerate, a structured program aiding customers in transitioning from on-premises to Sitecore’s cloud-native offerings, fostering a smooth migration journey.
  • Hello, XM Cloud Plus. Debut of XM Cloud Plus, extending Sitecore’s SaaS offering with new features like Forms Builder and AI-powered search, nudging more organizations towards a composable Digital Experience Platform (DXP) model.

Sitecore Symposium was a regular part of the annual Sitecore calendar, and it was also the place you could guarantee that there would be a set of headline product announcements; each fall there was always something to be unveiled.

However, Symposisum as an in-person conference has now moved to being held every two years, and Sitecore has replaced it with a series of one-day events. But in a spirit of sticking to their normal fall reveal, Sitecore has recently unveiled a series of major product updates.

In this post we’re going to explore three of the major roadmap announcements — from generative AI to a new Accelerator service — and what these mean for Sitecore.

Generative AI Is Coming

Since ChatGPT was unleashed on the world in November 2022, generative AI has continued to receive incredible levels of media attention while also capturing the imagination of businesses, who continue to eye the potential for productivity gains. Of course, generative AI comes with its risks, but there are clearly many opportunities to transform aspects of digital customer experience, including generating content, delivering advanced marketing automation, transforming the performance of underwhelming chatbots and more.

Sensing that marketing teams want to innovate using ChatGPT and that many are likely already using it, it’s no surprise that some Digital Experience Platform (DXP) and Content Management System (CMS) vendors have been working on integrations with ChatGPT — or OpenAI’s GPT Large Language Model — allowing teams to leverage generative AI within their solution. This also helps vendors go to market with more AI-powered features, which is likely to resonate with customers. Other related products like Adobe Photoshop are also weaving generative AI into their solution, although not necessarily from OpenAI.

Although AI is not new to Sitecore, it has now joined those vendors who are committing to adding generative AI through a “complete OpenAI chat integration” across its range of solutions in a way which aligns with its existing composable strategy. In a speech at an event in Melbourne, CEO Steve Tzikakis mentioned a number of specific examples of how this will land, including:

It’s not clear whether an organization will require its own independent subscription to OpenAI to leverage these new features, but that seems likely.

These new integrations are potentially just the start of a deeper integration with generative AI. An interesting interview with Sitecore’s Chief Product Officer, Dave Flanagan, not only talks about generative AI’s power to work with content generation and content production, but also into delivery areas such as personalization and search. These integrations may also come quickly. Flanagan is quoted as saying “we’re entering a phase in Sitecore where we’re going to be super iterative and responsive.” I think we can expect new AI features to now thick and fast, particularly in the race to maintain Sitecore’s market share in the ultra-competitive DXP field.


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